NAME OF WORKSHOP – The Art of Mooting
DATE OF THE WORKSHOP - 23rd July – 26th July, 2020
LOCATION - Microsoft Teams
Event Summary
The Moot Court Society (“MCS”) of Pravin Gandhi College of Law (“PGCL”) as an addition to its Happy To Guide Initiative, organized a Workshop on The Art of Mooting in order to cater to the demands of the students to learn the intricacies of Mooting. The registration for the same began on 21st July, 2020 with release of the Official Poster.
The Workshop took place over the span of Four Days i.e. 23rd July, 2020 to 26th July, 2020 and started at 03:00 PM every day. Each discourse began with a brief Introduction of the speaker and concluded with a Vote of Thanks, with Ms. Mili Kothari,
Ms. Nitisha Makharia and Mr. Amit Padwal looking after it.
The details for each discourse are as follows -
23rd July, 2020, which marked the first day, witnessed Mr. Dweep Shah briefing the students about the ways to Analyze a Moot Proposition & How to Frame Issues for the same.
On day two i.e. 24th July, 2020, Mr. Yash Modi shared his ‘tricks of the trade’ in Drafting a Memorial and spoke about the Various Databases and Research Platforms, which can be used in preparing for a Moot.
Mr. Samar Rege was our speaker on 25th July, 2020 and elaborated on the aspect Mooting with International Law and Dispute Resolution Forums.
On the final day, 26th July, 2020 all three of our speakers came together to share Practical Nuances and their views on the Advent of Online Mooting.