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“Never limit your vision based on your current resources.”

The Moot Court Society of Pravin Gandhi College of law has a raison d'etre of inculcating values of effective oral advocacy and legal drafting skills to sharpen the students acumen for the legal profession. Thus, help in moulding the budding lawyers of today to understand the nuances of justice in its truest sense so that justice brightens up the darkest moment of injustice ever served. 


With the advent of our blog we aim to create a conducive platform where every individual can articulate their legal thoughts that they have ruminated on and find to be critical through contemporary times. This will prove to be not only a platform but also a comprehensive learning experience which takes an individual through the journey from reading to research to reviewing and reforming.

On the whole, our vision is to create a generation of law students over the years who go out into the contemporary world and flutter their wings of introspection and solicide that makes it difficult to water down a fire of change.



“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

Themes for the Blog

Criminal Justice Delivery System

Health and Environmental Law

Consumer Protection Law, 2019

Human Rights


The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code

Intellectual Property Rights

Offences Against Human Body 

Corruption : Service Industry
of our Nation 

Cyber Security Challenges and its Emerging Trends on Latest Technologies

Modernisation of Indian Tech Laws

The Meld Model : The Holy Grail of Indian Corporate Jurisdiction

Ethics in Politics: Legal Overview

Protection of Women’s Rights and Dignity: A Social and Legal Responsibility

Advancement of Intellectual Property Right Law in the Fashion Industry

Banking and Financial Laws in India

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